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The Lightspeed Restaurant K-Series APIs support OAuth2 authentication using the authorization code grant flow.

The Authorization Flow

Obtaining an access token using the OAuth2 authorization code grant flow consists of the following steps:

1. Authorization Request

In a browser window, the end user is directed to the Lightspeed authorization URL.

Authorization URL

Below are the URLs that should be used during the authorization process.

  • The trial environment is used for development and testing of your application
  • The production environment is used to connect your app to live merchant accounts.
EnvironmentAuthorization URL

The following query parameters must be passed in the Authorization URL:

  • response_type (required) - Must be code for the authorization code grant.
  • client_id (required) - The unique identifier for the OAuth client.
  • scope (required) - The access scopes being requested, space delimited (URL encoded).
  • redirect_uri (required) - The URL that the user will be redirected to after authenticating and authorizing the integration.
  • state (optional) - A unique string supplied by the external client that is persisted throughout the process to track the request.

To connect to a merchant account on production, copy the following URL and replace the query parameter values with your own client ID, redirect URI, and scope(s). A state parameter can also be included, if desired.

This URL should be supplied to the Lightspeed merchant to initiate the authorization request

  • The user is prompted to login to Lightspeed. Upon successful login, the user must provide consent for the OAuth client to access their data.
  • Each scope must be individually approved by the user.

OAuth2 Approval Form

2. Token Request

Once the user authorizes the application, a temporary authorization code is passed to your redirect URI as a query parameter. If the state parameter was supplied, it will also be included.

It will look something like this:


The authorization code should be captured from the query parameter in the URL.

The code should then be exchanged for an access and refresh token pair by sending a POST request to the Token URL.

EnvironmentToken URL

The client ID and client secret must be base64 encoded and passed as the authorization header in the following format client_id:client_secret.

For example:




The following values must be passed as query parameters:

  • grant_type=authorization_code
  • code=GyIpgM (replace with the code returned in redirect URL query parameter)
  • redirect_uri=https://your_redirect_uri (replace with the redirect URI for the client)

Sample Request:

curl \
--header 'Authorization: Basic c29tZV9jbGllbnRfaWQ6c29tZV9jbGllbnRfc2VjcmV0MQ==' \
--request POST ''

Sample Response:

"access_token": "5f7fe870-fa7c-4b27-a892-2caebabb9bda",
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "138fc571-68b0-426d-82d3-b6386421788c",
"expires_in": 3599,
"scope": "financial-api orders-api "

3. Refreshing the Token

Refresh tokens can be exchanged for a new access and refresh token pair by sending a POST request to the /token endpoint. The client ID and client secret must be base64 encoded and passed as the authorization header in the following format client_id:client_secret.

The values must be passed in the request body as an x-www-form-encoded payload. The endpoint will return a new access token and a new refresh token.

Sample Request:

curl \
--header 'Authorization: Basic c29tZV9jbGllbnRfaWQ6c29tZV9jbGllbnRfc2VjcmV0MQ==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=refresh_token' \
--data-urlencode 'refresh_token=138fc571-68b0-426d-82d3-b6386421788c' \
--request POST ''

Sample Response:

"access_token": "4543e601-144d-484a-8d1f-5110e9c603ca",
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "f0e0083a-e08d-4be7-8d66-0d6440cb71c4",
"expires_in": 3599,
"scope": "financial-api orders-api "

Refresh tokens remain valid for 14 days. If you do not refresh your access token within 14 days, you will need to reinitiate the Authorization flow.

Further Details