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Gift Card integrations make use of the Web Extensions interface, allowing the app to use Javascript to interact with sales directly in the POS in realtime.


Creating and/or adding funds to gift cards via API or the Web Extension interface is not currently supported. Only redemption is currently supported. See Understanding Gift Cards for more details.

Scanning Gift Card

Redeeming for Item

Determining Payment Amount

  • Use pos_getCurrentAccount() to get the order total when making full payment with a gift card. This total amount includes tax for both tax-inclusive and tax-exclusive scenarios.
  • Individual item and unit tax amounts for tax-exclusive scenarios cannot be determined with this function. To calculate the tax amount for individual items, use the tax-breakdown endpoint.

Paying with Gift Card

Handling Errors and Responses

  • The posData, and posResponse objects will contain response data from the POS that your app may need to process.
  • If an issue is encountered while executing the function, a posError object containing a description of the error will be returned.

Special Offers/Discounts

Communication with POS

Adding a reference

Closing the Web Extension

  • Once the gift card operations are completed, use pos_close() to close the web view hosted in the POS app.