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'Modifiers' is a term used by customers and in the help center to refer to both production instructions and sub-items.

Important Note

In the API, only production instructions are referred to as modifiers.

Quick Facts


Production Instructions inform the kitchen of preparation details. They have no associated price and are not seen in the Financial API or in reports.

Sub-Items are add-ons to main items. They can have an associated price and are recorded in the Financial API and in reports.


Production instructions

Production instructions inform the kitchen of specific preparation details for an item. They can be configured to be automatically tied to an item so that whenever a POS user adds that item to an order, they are prompted to include the relevant preparation details.

For example, a 'steak' item might have a 'doneness' modifier that includes the values 'rare', 'medium-rare', and 'well done'.

Production instructions are not associated with an extra cost and do not appear on reports or in the Financial API. They can be used in the Online Ordering API and can be retrieved from the GET Modifiers endpoint.

Back Office

Production Instructions

Example Production Instruction

"multiSelectionPermitted": false,
"productionInstructionGroupName": "Meat cooking",
"productionIntructionGroupId": 141948669132915,
"productionInstructionList": [
"instruction": "Bleu",
"ikentooModifierId": 141948669132916
"instruction": "Rare",
"ikentooModifierId": 141948669132918
"instruction": "Medium Rare",
"ikentooModifierId": 141948669132920
"instruction": "Medium",
"ikentooModifierId": 141948669132922
"instruction": "Medium well",
"ikentooModifierId": 141948669132924
"instruction": "Well done",
"ikentooModifierId": 141948669132926


Sub-items are order items that are attached to a main item. They are created and listed in the POS in the same way that regular items are, but they cannot be added to the order on their own.

An example of a sub-item could be 'side vegetables' for the main item 'steak'.

Sub-items may have prices associated with them. A sub-item's price could be included in the parent item price, or be assigned an extra cost. Sub-Items appear on reports and are listed in the Sale Lines of the Financial API.

Back Office


Example Sale with Item and Sub-Item

"accountReference": "IS-kVGrYRJu30OTuI-851w==",
"accountFiscId": "A65315.20",
"receiptId": "R65315.16",
"source": {
"initialAccountId": "A65315.20"
"salesLines": [
"id": "S65315.32",
"totalNetAmountWithTax": "5.00",
"totalNetAmountWithoutTax": "5.00",
"menuListPrice": "5.00",
"unitCostPrice": "0.00",
"serviceCharge": "0.00",
"discountAmount": "0.00",
"taxAmount": "0.7488",
"taxCode": "MULTI",
"accountDiscountAmount": "0.00",
"totalDiscountAmount": "0.00",
"sku": "FT1",
"name": "Bagel",
"statisticGroup": "Food",
"quantity": "1.000",
"taxRatePercentage": "14.98",
"accountingGroup": {
"accountingGroupId": 141948669132845,
"name": "Food"
"currency": "CAD",
"tags": [],
"categories": [
"category": "default",
"value": "Food"
"timeOfSale": "2023-04-17T18:50:02.669Z",
"deviceId": 65315,
"deviceName": "iPad4"
"id": "S65315.33",
"parentLineId": "S65315.32",
"totalNetAmountWithTax": "2.00",
"totalNetAmountWithoutTax": "2.00",
"menuListPrice": "2.00",
"unitCostPrice": "0.00",
"serviceCharge": "0.00",
"discountAmount": "0.00",
"taxAmount": "0.2995",
"taxCode": "MULTI",
"accountDiscountAmount": "0.00",
"totalDiscountAmount": "0.00",
"sku": "34",
"name": "Peanut Butter",
"statisticGroup": "",
"quantity": "1.000",
"taxRatePercentage": "14.98",
"accountingGroup": {
"accountingGroupId": 141948669132845,
"name": "Food"
"currency": "CAD",
"tags": [],
"categories": [
"category": "default",
"value": ""
"timeOfSale": "2023-04-17T18:50:07.915Z",
"deviceId": 65315,
"deviceName": "iPad4"

In this example from the Financial API, the order is a bagel with peanut butter. The parent item is the bagel, with an ID of S65315.32. The peanut butter has been added as a sub-item and shows its own ID as well as a parentLineId, allowing it to be easily linked to the parent item. It has an associated price of 2.00, which is added to the total of the order.