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This section outlines the main features of the Lightspeed Restaurant POS K-Series Financial API and the endpoints available to manage these features.

Business Details

Retrieve Business Information

Provides a list of all businesses and business locations associated with the access token.

Accounting Groups and Financial Data

Retrieve Accounting Groups for a Business Location

Offers detailed information about each accounting group within a business location.

Retrieve Aggregated Sales Data

Provides aggregated sales data for the current business day or a specified date range.

Retrieve Daily Financial Data

Returns the financial data for the current business day or a specific date.

Retrieve Financial Data for a Date Range

Provides financial data for a business location within a specified date range.

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /f/finance/businessLocationId/financials/from/to
  • API Reference: Get Financials

Payment Methods and Tax Rates

Retrieve Payment Methods for a Business Location

Offers detailed information about each payment method available for a business location.

Retrieve Tax Rates for a Business Location

Provides a list of all tax rates applicable for a business location.

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /f/finance/businessLocationId/tax-rates
  • API Reference: Get Tax Rates

Sales and Receipts

Retrieve Sales by External Reference

Returns a single receipt matching the external reference provided.