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Service Charge Tax Calculation


This article provides advanced information about tax calculation on orders that include service charges. See Service Charges and Tips for basic information on service charges.

Important Details

  • Service charge is calculated on top of tax-inclusive item price for tax-inclusive markets, and on top of tax-exclusive price for tax-exclusive markets.

  • When the service charge tax type is Apportioned, the base item price is increased by the service charge amount (after tax for tax-inclusive markets, before tax for tax-exclusive markets) in order to inherit the tax of the items in the account proportionally.

  • The calculation of the total follows the following formula regardless of whether the calculation is for a tax-exclusive or tax-inclusive environment:

  • Untaxed service charge: Item prices with tax + service charge

  • Tax-apportioned service charge: Sum of item prices with tax (because item price already includes service charge)

Example Calculations

Example 1Example 2Example 3Example 4
Tax typeTax-inclusiveTax-inclusiveTax-exclusiveTax-exclusive
Service charge typeUntaxedTax-apportionedUntaxedTax-apportioned
Service charge %10%10%10%10%
Item 1 tax rate7%7%7%7%
Item 2 tax rate19%19%19%19%
Item 1 price€10.00€10.00$10.00$10.00
Item 2 price€20.00€20.00$20.00$20.00
Item 1 price with tax€10.00€11.00€10.70€11.77
Item 2 price with tax€20.00€22.00€23.80€26.18
Item 1 pre-tax price€9.35€10.28$10.00$10.00
Item 2 pre-tax price€16.81€18.49$20.00$20.00
Item 1 service charge contribution€1.00€1.00$1.00$1.00
Item 2 service charge contribution€2.00€2.00$2.00$2.00
Item 1 tax (including service)€0.65€0.72$0.70$0.77
Item 2 tax (including service)€3.19€3.51$3.80$4.18

Example Financial API Data - Tax Inclusive Account

"accountReference": "DnxmZU38RY28dHgy4W__Qw==",
"accountFiscId": "A75074.8",
"receiptId": "R75074.8",
"source": {
"initialAccountId": "A75074.8"
"salesLines": [
"id": "S75074.15",
"totalNetAmountWithTax": "11.00",
"totalNetAmountWithoutTax": "8.33",
"menuListPrice": "10.00",
"unitCostPrice": "0.00",
"serviceCharge": "1.00",
"serviceChargeRate": "10.00",
"discountAmount": "0.00",
"taxAmount": "1.6667",
"taxCode": "VAT20",
"taxRatePercentage": "20.00",
"taxLines": [
"taxId": "41910290874374",
"taxCode": "VAT20",
"taxRate": "1.2",
"taxAmount": "1.666667",
"taxIncluded": true
"accountDiscountAmount": "0.00",
"totalDiscountAmount": "0.00",
"sku": "13",
"name": "Burger",
"statisticGroup": "Food",
"quantity": "1.000",
"accountingGroup": {
"accountingGroupId": 41910290874411,
"name": "Food"
"currency": "GBP",
"tags": [],
"categories": [
"category": "default",
"value": "Food"
"timeOfSale": "2023-07-07T15:37:52.326Z",
"deviceId": 75074,
"deviceName": "iPad1"
"id": "S75074.16",
"totalNetAmountWithTax": "5.50",
"totalNetAmountWithoutTax": "4.17",
"menuListPrice": "5.00",
"unitCostPrice": "0.00",
"serviceCharge": "0.50",
"serviceChargeRate": "10.00",
"discountAmount": "0.00",
"taxAmount": "0.8333",
"taxCode": "VAT20",
"taxRatePercentage": "20.00",
"taxLines": [
"taxId": "41910290874374",
"taxCode": "VAT20",
"taxRate": "1.2",
"taxAmount": "0.833333",
"taxIncluded": true
"accountDiscountAmount": "0.00",
"totalDiscountAmount": "0.00",
"sku": "14",
"name": "Bagel",
"statisticGroup": "Food",
"quantity": "1.000",
"accountingGroup": {
"accountingGroupId": 41910290874411,
"name": "Food"
"currency": "GBP",
"tags": [],
"categories": [
"category": "default",
"value": "Food"
"timeOfSale": "2023-07-07T15:37:53.464Z",
"deviceId": 75074,
"deviceName": "iPad1"
"payments": [
"code": "CASH",
"description": "Cash",
"paymentMethodId": 41910290874392,
"netAmountWithTax": "16.50",
"currency": "GBP",
"tip": "0.00",
"type": "NORMAL",
"deviceId": 75074,
"deviceName": "iPad1",
"fiscId": "T75074.8",
"uuid": "fryjerL6QAKwrkUcyMenmg==",
"fiscDate": "2023-07-07T15:38:02.841Z"
"timeOfOpening": "2023-07-07T15:37:49.468Z",
"timeOfCloseAndPaid": "2023-07-07T15:38:02.862Z",
"tableName": "",
"type": "SALE",
"nbCovers": 0.0,
"dineIn": true,
"deviceId": 75074,
"deviceName": "iPad1"

Example Financial API Data - Tax Exclusive Account

"accountReference": "wwRUIsxdTzqeO_m38KoV3w==",
"accountFiscId": "A75125.3",
"receiptId": "R75125.3",
"source": {
"initialAccountId": "A75125.3"
"salesLines": [
"id": "S75125.5",
"totalNetAmountWithTax": "11.00",
"totalNetAmountWithoutTax": "10.00",
"menuListPrice": "10.00",
"unitCostPrice": "0.00",
"serviceCharge": "1.00",
"serviceChargeRate": "10.00",
"discountAmount": "0.00",
"taxAmount": "1.4975",
"taxCode": "MULTI",
"taxRatePercentage": "14.98",
"taxLines": [
"taxId": "141948669132806",
"taxCode": "GST5",
"taxRate": "1.05",
"taxAmount": "0.5",
"taxIncluded": false
"taxId": "141948669132805",
"taxCode": "PST9_975",
"taxRate": "1.09975",
"taxAmount": "0.9975",
"taxIncluded": false
"accountDiscountAmount": "0.00",
"totalDiscountAmount": "0.00",
"sku": "52",
"name": "Hamburger",
"statisticGroup": "Food",
"quantity": "1.000",
"accountingGroup": {
"accountingGroupId": 141948669132845,
"name": "Food"
"currency": "CAD",
"tags": [],
"categories": [
"category": "default",
"value": "Food"
"timeOfSale": "2023-07-07T22:46:21.913Z",
"deviceId": 75125,
"deviceName": "iPad9"
"id": "S75125.6",
"totalNetAmountWithTax": "5.50",
"totalNetAmountWithoutTax": "5.00",
"menuListPrice": "5.00",
"unitCostPrice": "0.00",
"serviceCharge": "0.50",
"serviceChargeRate": "10.00",
"discountAmount": "0.00",
"taxAmount": "0.7488",
"taxCode": "MULTI",
"taxRatePercentage": "14.98",
"taxLines": [
"taxId": "141948669132806",
"taxCode": "GST5",
"taxRate": "1.05",
"taxAmount": "0.25",
"taxIncluded": false
"taxId": "141948669132805",
"taxCode": "PST9_975",
"taxRate": "1.09975",
"taxAmount": "0.49875",
"taxIncluded": false
"accountDiscountAmount": "0.00",
"totalDiscountAmount": "0.00",
"sku": "FT1",
"name": "Bagel",
"statisticGroup": "Food",
"quantity": "1.000",
"accountingGroup": {
"accountingGroupId": 141948669132845,
"name": "Food"
"currency": "CAD",
"tags": [],
"categories": [
"category": "default",
"value": "Food"
"timeOfSale": "2023-07-07T22:46:22.509Z",
"deviceId": 75125,
"deviceName": "iPad9"
"payments": [
"code": "CASH",
"description": "Cash",
"paymentMethodId": 141948669132824,
"netAmountWithTax": "18.75",
"currency": "CAD",
"tip": "0.00",
"type": "NORMAL",
"deviceId": 75125,
"deviceName": "iPad9",
"fiscId": "T75125.3",
"uuid": "0nklrXGuQmuWVA8bTywGvQ==",
"fiscDate": "2023-07-07T22:46:41.055Z"
"timeOfOpening": "2023-07-07T22:44:54.199Z",
"timeOfCloseAndPaid": "2023-07-07T22:46:41.067Z",
"tableName": "",
"type": "SALE",
"nbCovers": 0.0,
"dineIn": true,
"deviceId": 75125,
"deviceName": "iPad9"