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This section outlines the typical API endpoints used by an online ordering integration.

Business Details

Retrieve Business Information

Provides a list of all businesses and business locations associated with the access token.

Retrieve Floor Plans

Provides details about the floorplan sections and their individual tables for a specified Business Location.

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /o/op/data/{businessLocationId}/floorplans
  • API Reference: Get Floorplans

Retrieve Payment Methods

Provides details of available payment methods for a specified Business location.

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /f/finance/{businessLocationId}/paymentMethods
  • API Reference: Get Payment Methods

Retrieve Tax Rates

Provides information on tax rates for a specified Business Location.

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /f/finance/{businessLocationId}/tax-rates
  • API Reference: Get Tax Rates

Retrieve Discounts

Provides detailed information about discounts for a specified Business Location.

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /o/op/1/menu/discounts?businessLocationId={businessLocationId}
  • API Reference: Get Discounts

Retrieve All Available Menus

Provides a list of all available menus for a specified Business Location.

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /o/op/1/menu/list?businessLocationId={businessLocationId}
  • API Reference: List Menus

Retrieve Products for a Given Menu

Provides detailed information about each product within a specified menu.

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /o/op/1/menu/load/{ikentooMenuId}?businessLocationId={businessLocationId}
  • API Reference: Load a Menu

Retrieve Modifiers

Provides a list of all production instructions. See Modifiers definition for more details.

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /o/op/1/menu/modifiers?businessLocationId={businessLocationId}
  • API Reference: Get Modifiers

Webhook Management

Webhooks provide notifications about orders and payments. To create an online order, an active webhook's endpointID must be provided.

Register a New Webhook

Create a new webhook.

Retrieve Webhook Info

Fetch details about a registered webhook.

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /o/wh/1/webhook/:endpointId
  • API Reference: Get a Webhook

Update a Webhook

Modify an existing webhook.

Creating Orders and Applying Payments

Create a New Dine-In Order

Creates a new dine-in order for a specific business location.

Create a New Takeout or Delivery Order

Creates a new takeaway or delivery order for a specific business location.

Preview Order Taxes

This endpoint processes the proposed items in an online order and returns a detailed tax breakdown, so that the totals can be displayed and the correct payment amount processed.

  • Method: POST
  • URL: /tp/v1/business-locations/{businessLocationId}/tax-breakdown
  • API Reference: Tax Breakdown

Apply Payment

Once an order is placed, use this endpoint to apply payments and close out the order.


The paymentAmount field at this endpoint does not include tips, unlike the Create Local Order and Create To Go Order endpoints, where the paymentAmount does include tips.

Retrieving Order Details

Retrieve All Open Orders

Returns all open dine-in receipts for the current day.

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /o/op/1/order/table/getCheck?businessLocationId={businessLocationId}
  • API Reference: Get All Checks

Retrieve Receipt for a Specified Table

Returns an open receipt for a specific table

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /o/op/1/order/table/{tableNumber}/getCheck?businessLocationId={businessLocationId}
  • API Reference: Get Check by Table

Retrieve a Specified Order Using the External Reference

You can use an externalReference provided at the Daily Financials or Financials endpoints to retrieve a specific sale.