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Reservation Platform Setup


The Reservations for Platforms API allows reservation integrations to connect to Lightspeed Restaurant K-Series POS accounts.

This API allows integrators to:

  • Create a profile for their reservation platform.
  • Activate their integration on specified business locations.
  • Send reservation details to the POS.
  • Receive order updates from the POS.

The following tutorial outlines the basic steps necessary to successfully send a reservation to a Lightspeed Restaurant K-Series POS account.

Before You begin
  • Make sure you have an API Client that is configured to use the Reservations for Platforms API and have selected a platform-code for your integration. If you are unsure, please check with your Technical Partner Manager.

  • Set up a Postman workspace by following our Setting Up Postman tutorial.

  • Make sure you have an access token for the account you will be working with. If you do not, please see our Authentication Tutorial

  • Make sure you have your businessLocationId and platform-code and access token saved in your Postman environment.

  • Make sure you have an up-to-date iPad with the latest version of the POS installed and connected to your test account. See the Help Center for more details.

Step 1 - Create Platform Profile

  1. Navigate to the Reservations for Platforms> Create or Update Platform Profile endpoint in the Postman collection.

  2. Replace the {{platform_code}} variable in your Postman environment with the one configured for your API client.

  3. Update the request body from the Postman collection with your own platform profile details. If you do not have a URL set up for webhook testing, you can generate a temporary one here.

  4. Send the POST request.

If successful, the response will contain the details of the created profile. See the API Reference for more details.

Step 2 - Activate Integration

  1. Navigate to the Reservations For Platforms > Activate integration endpoint in the Postman collection.

  2. Make sure the {{platform_code}} variable in your Postman environment is the one configured for your API client.

  3. Replace the {{platform-restaurant}} variable in your Postman environment with a unique code for the restaurant location you are connecting to.

  4. Replace the {{businessLocationId}} variable with the businessLocationId of the location you wish to connect to.

  5. Send the Request.

The Reservation Platform can now send reservation requests to this business location. See the API Reference for more information.

Step 3 - Send Reservation Request

  1. Navigate to the Reservations for Platforms > Create or Update Reservation endpoint in the Postman collection.

  2. Make sure the "status" field in the body of the request is set to "SEATED" or "PARTIALLY_SEATED".

  3. Set the "utcScheduledAt" timestamp for the current time or some time in the future. For more information on setting the other fields of the reservation body, see the API Reference.

  4. Send the request.

If successful, an order will be opened in the POS on the specified table and a notification will be sent to the configured webhook URL.