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Financial API Endpoints


Here is a list of various GET endpoints that are relevant for mapping between POS and PMS

Retrieve Financial Data

Aggregated Sales

Get sales for the current business day or the specified date range. See API Reference

To match the POST request from the PMS API with the response from the Financial API, you could make use of uuid from the PMS API, this is a reference to the accountReference in the Financial API.


"uuid": "2tO3PMb6SVuEJj5v2eJc-Q=="

Financial API

"accountReference": "2tO3PMb6SVuEJj5v2eJc-Q=="

Revenue Centers

The response of the financial API contains further objects such as the revenueCenter and revenueCenterId.

The objects revenueCenter and revenueCenterId are listed under the Sales.lines and Payment.lines.

The revenue centers can be different, for example, if a user enters the order in the cash register at the bar revenue center, but then takes the payment at the cash register in the restaurant. For this reason, we recommend using the revenue center under the Payment.lines, since this will show the revenue center where the order was ultimately paid.

Financial API

"revenueCenter": "POS 1",
"revenueCenterId": 962442041491478

Transaction Types

The account type is defined in the Financial API, as well as the enriched payload sent by the PMS API.

Below is a list of all possible transaction types and their descriptions:

SALENormal sale
VOIDSale that voids another sale
RECALLSale that recalled another sale
REFUNDSale that refunded another sale
SPLITSale that has been split from another sale
UPDATESale that is used to store payment updates
TRANSFERSale that is used to store transfers
FLOATSale that is used to store cash lifts/drops
TRANSITORYSale that carries payments forward to the next day
CROSS_BLCross-Business-Location Transfer sale

Retrieve Business Data


Returns all businesses the user has access to. See API Reference

Tax Rates

Returns all tax rates for a business. See API Reference

Payment Methods

Returns all payment methods for a business. See API Reference

Accounting Groups

Returns all accounting groups for a business. See API Reference

Revenue Centers

Returns a list of all POS Configurations which can be mapped to PMS Revenue Centers. See API Reference