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Credit Limit Feature


The credit limit feature allows PMS integrations to apply a limit on the amount that can be charged to a room. When this feature is used, integrators can specify a credit limit in their response to the PMS search request.

Setting a Credit Limit

After receiving a search request from the POS, a PMS integration may include an optional creditLimit field in the response. The creditLimit field takes a value of type BigDecimal, corresponding to the credit limit, in the currency of the business.


"success": "true",
"errorMessage": "",
"reservations": [
"roomId": "4000",
"roomDescription": "Room With a Credit Limit",
"clientName": "John Doe",
"reservationId": "004",
"creditLimit": 50.00,
"blocked": "false"

Credit Limit In the POS

If the room charge payment amount exceeds the credit limit for the selected room/customer, the POS will behave in one of two ways, depending on the role of the POS user:

POS User Without Manager Rights

A red error screen will be displayed with the following message: "Charge not allowed, the current available credit for this reservation is insufficient."

Credit Limit Error

POS User With Manager Rights

A warning message will be displayed, offering the option to override the credit limit.

  • If the user selects "Yes", the room charge will be sent ot the POS.
  • If the user selects "No", the red error screen will be displayed.

Credit Limit Popup


  • Currently, tips are not considered in the amount used by the POS to determine if the credit limit is exceeded.


    Bill amount = $45.00
    Credit limit = $50.00
    Tips = $10.00

    In this case, only the $45.00 bill amount will be considered, and therefore the credit limit will not be reached.

  • If the amount to be charged to the room is less than the credit limit, but the bill total exceeds the credit limit (ie. a partial payment), the credit limit message will be displayed.


    Bill amount = $60.00
    Credit limit = $50.00
    Partial payment amount = $30.00

    In this case, the warning/error will show that the credit limit is exceeded.


    This behavior can be overcome by first applying a different payment method to the bill, thus reducing the amount due sent to the PMS.