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PMS API Parameters


Lightspeed will send a POST request to the /charge endpoint with the receipt in the payload. In this request, the API key is passed in the request body along with the receipt information.

List of Receipt Payload Parameters

namestringName of the account/receipt
openDateiso8601 UTC datetime w/o msDate this account/receipt was opened in UTC
closeDateiso8601 UTC date time w/o msDate this account/receipt was closed in UTC
coversdecimalNumber of covers attached to this receipt
ownerIdunsigned integer with max value 263-1The ID of the POS user who owns this receipt
ownerNamestringThe name of the POS user who owns this receipt
deviceIdunsigned integer with max value 263-1The ID of the device on which the transaction was processed
Transaction Array
unitAmountdecimalThe unit amount for a single item
quantitydecimalQuantity of items
amountdecimalThe total amount of this entry including Tax.
descriptionstringName of the item
staffIdunsigned integer with max value 263-1Staff ID owning this account/receipt
staffNamestringStaff Name owning this account/receipt.
groupIdunsigned integer with max value 263-1The internal ID for the accounting group where the item is part of
groupNamestringThe name for the accounting group where the item is part of
taxIdunsigned integer with max value 263-1The internal ID for the applied tax
taxNamestringThe internal Name for the applied tax
taxRatedecimalThe applied rate rate in digits
taxIncludedbooleanFalse = tax exclusive (the amounts are net amounts) True = tax inclusive (the amounts contain the taxes)
skustringSKU business wide unique product identifier as defined by the customer.
Payment Array
paymentDateunsigned integer with max value 263-1Date/Time in UTC of this payment.
staffIdunsigned integer with max value 263-1Staff ID owning this account/receipt
staffNamestringStaff name owning this account/receipt
gratuitydecimalTip which is applied without revenue and tax. The tip is not assigned to an accounting group in Lightspeed.
amountdecimalTotal amount of the used payment method (pls note, more than one payment method can be applied)
methodNamestringName of the applied payment method.
reservationIdstringThis parameter is only attached, if the post is a room charge. For all other posts, it will be blank.
methodCodestringBusiness wide unique payment method identifier
uuidUnique identifier for the account/receipt, the uuid’s will match the lines in the PMS API as well the financial API.

List of Financial API Parameters

salesArray of sale objects.
sales[].accountReferenceLightspeed internal account reference.The unit amount for a single item
sales[].accountFiscIdIKentoo internal account human readable identifier.Quantity of items
sales[].receiptIdReceipt identifier.The total amount of this entry including Tax.
sales[].sourceAccount at the source of the current account.Name of the item
sales[].source.initialAccountIdFirst account that generated the current account (can be the same).Staff ID owning this account/receipt
sales[].source.previousAccountIdAccount that is directly linked to the current account (may be not set).Staff Name owning this account/receipt.
sales[].salesLinesSales items.The internal ID for the accounting group where the item is part of
sales[].salesLines[].idLine identifier.The name for the accounting group where the item is part of
sales[].salesLines[].parentLineIdParent line identifier (if any).The internal ID for the applied tax
sales[].salesLines[].totalNetAmountWithTaxTotal amount for this line including discounts and tax.The internal Name for the applied tax
sales[].salesLines[].totalNetAmountWithoutTaxTotal amount for this line excluding tax.The applied rate rate in digits
sales[].salesLines[].menuListPriceTotal amount for this line before service charge and discount if any.False = tax exclusive (the amounts are net amounts) True = tax inclusive (the amounts contain the taxes)
sales[].salesLines[].unitCostPriceCost price of a single item (set to 0 if not provided).SKU business wide unique product identifier as defined by the customer.
sales[].salesLines[].serviceChargeService charge.
sales[].salesLines[].serviceChargeRateService charge rate.Date/Time in UTC of this payment.
sales[].salesLines[].discountAmountLine discount amount (if any).Staff ID owning this account/receipt
sales[].salesLines[].taxAmountTax amount.Staff name owning this account/receipt
sales[].salesLines[].discountTypeLine discount type (if any).Tip which is applied without revenue and tax. The tip is not assigned to an accounting group in Lightspeed.
sales[].salesLines[].discountCodeLine discount code (if any).Total amount of the used payment method (pls note, more than one payment method can be applied)
sales[].salesLines[].discountNameLine discount name (if any).Name of the applied payment method.
sales[].salesLines[].accountDiscountAmountAccount discount amount (if any).This parameter is only attached, if the post is a room charge. For all other posts, it will be blank.
sales[].salesLines[].accountDiscountTypeAccount discount type (if any).Business wide unique payment method identifier
sales[].salesLines[].accountDiscountCodeAccount discount code (if any).Unique identifier for the account/receipt, the uuid’s will match the lines in the PMS API as well the financial API.
sales[].salesLines[].accountDiscountNameAccount discount name (if any).
sales[].salesLines[].totalDiscountAmountTotal discount amount (if any): sum of line level and account level.
sales[].salesLines[].skuSKU for this line item, this value is mutable.
sales[].salesLines[].nameItem name.
sales[].salesLines[].statisticGroupStatistic group.
sales[].salesLines[].quantityQuantity sold, this value can be a fraction when item is sold by weight for example.
sales[].salesLines[].taxRatePercentageTax rate for this line item as a percentage.
sales[].salesLines[].accountingGroupAccounting group this item belongs to, this value is mutable.
sales[].salesLines[].accountingGroup.accountingGroupIdInternal immutable ID for this accounting Group.
sales[].salesLines[].accountingGroup.nameName of this accounting group.
sales[].salesLines[].accountingGroup.statisticGroupStatistic group (can be null).
sales[].salesLines[].accountingGroup.codeOptional accounting code as configured by the merchant for this accounting group.
sales[].salesLines[].currencyCurrency code as an ISO 3 character CODE.
sales[].salesLines[].tagsTransaction tags (optional).
sales[].salesLines[].revenueCenterV3 only: revenue center name (revenue_center include param).
sales[].salesLines[].revenueCenterIdV3 only: revenue center id (revenue_center include param).
sales[].salesLines[].categoriesTransaction categories (V3 only).
sales[].salesLines[].timeOfSaleThe time in ISO8601 when this sale was made.
sales[].salesLines[].staffIdStaff identifier (with param include=staff).
sales[].salesLines[].staffNameStaff name (with param include=staff).
sales[].salesLines[].deviceIdDevice identifier which produced this transaction line.
sales[].salesLines[].deviceNameDevice name which produced this transaction line.
sales[].salesLines[].voidReasonVoid reason (if the line is voided).
sales[].salesLines[].accountProfileCodeAccount profile code (with param include=account_profile).
sales[].paymentsArray of payment objects.
sales[].payments[].codePayment method code used to settle this payment line.
sales[].payments[].descriptionPayment method friendly name used to settle this payment line.
sales[].payments[].paymentMethodIdPayment method internal identifier.
sales[].payments[].netAmountWithTaxNet paid amount including discounts and tax.
sales[].payments[].currencyPayment currency code as an ISO 3 character CODE.
sales[].payments[].tipTip amount if any.
sales[].payments[].consumerThe consumer.
sales[].payments[].type- NORMAL: normal payment - ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE: Payment is due but not received . Must be one of [NORMAL, ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE].
sales[].payments[].deviceIdDevice identifier.
sales[].payments[].deviceNameDevice name.
sales[].payments[].staffIdTender staff identifier (with param include=staff).
sales[].payments[].staffNameTender staff name (with param include=staff).
sales[].payments[].authorizationPayment authorization.
sales[].payments[].revenueCenterRevenue center name (with param include=revenue_center).
sales[].payments[].revenueCenterIdRevenue center id (with param include=revenue_center).
sales[].timeOfOpeningThe date on which this account has been opened.
sales[].timeOfCloseAndPaidThe date on which this sales was made in ISO8601.
sales[].externalFiscalNumberExternal fiscal number (if used).
sales[].tableNumberTable number.
sales[].tableNameTable name.
sales[].accountProfileCodeAccount profile code (with param include=account_profile).
sales[].ownerNameAccount owner name (with param include=staff).
sales[].ownerIdAccount owner id (with param include=staff).
sales[].typeSale types: - SALE: normal sale - VOID: sale that voids another sale - RECALL: sale that recalled another sale - REFUND: sale that refunded another sale - SPLIT: sale that has been splitted from another sale - UPDATE: sale that is used to store payment updates - TRANSFER: sale that is used to store transfers - FLOAT: sale that is used to store cash lifts/drops - TRANSITORY: sale that is carry payments across periods - CROSS_BL: Transfer of a sale that arrives in the target location with negative values
sales[].externalReferencesExternal references, allowing partners to identify the origin of the sale. The format of these references is [type]:[ID in origin system].
sales[].nbCoversNumber of covers for the current account. In some rare cases of split accounts, the number might be decimal.
sales[].dineInIndicates whether the sale is for dine in or take away/delivery/online orders.
sales[].deviceIdDevice identifier.
sales[].deviceNameDevice name.
sales[].voidReasonVoid reason (if the sale is voided).
dataCompleteWhether the day is closed.
nextPageTokenToken to use to get the next page if any (only with /financials endpoint).